Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Settling In...

I've been a total bloggy slacker these days, mainly because I really don't think that anyone cares about the mundane happenings of my day to day life. But, I need to step back and remember the reasons I started this blog, it really was meant to be a place where I could come and get things off my chest; scream, holler, cry, laugh, and express all those emotions that I struggle with everyday.

I started school last week after a 7 year hiatus that saw me get married, have two beautiful kids, begin a rewarding coaching career and acheive many things I never even dreamed I wanted to do. I'm really proud of myself for taking the plunge and going back. I toyed with the idea for so long, and now I keep asking myself what I was waiting for, this just may be exactly what I've felt I've been missing and this is something that is wholly mine. I am responsible for my success or failure, and damnit! I will not have that feeling of failure again. The other positive thing I've already noticed about having something to work towards each day is that it is already forcing me to become more organized, and that, my friends is a VERY good thing for me to work on.

I have lots of pictures to post, but don't know if it will happen today, or even tomorrow...I have homework to do.